mandag 16. februar 2015

Challange: Fitness challange

I recently started out a new challange. Me and two other friends are competing against eachother to see who would have changed their body the most on 6 months. Obviously me as a girl would get different goals and challanges than two guys, but overall we will see a lot of changes.

So well yeah my goal is the tummy-area. To get most of the fat away and start working on some muscles and to get just a bit marked. Their challange is to gain weight in muscles, approxemetly 10-15kg. Mine doesnt really count on the kiloes, since I would mostly try to transform fat to muscles.

I will update this matter for the nexts months, allready 1 month into this challange. I started out with a pretty okay base, because I did do one year of gym before I stopped. BUT now i'm back in buisness again :3

At the first week this was my stats:
Height: 173 cm
Weight: about 79kg
2km treadmill runtime: 12 minutes and 30 seconds
Weight lifting: Usually just the shaft (20kg)

I'm dont' really like to post pictures of myself on net but here it goes anyway:

Miss boxhead :3

I have changed a bit on my diet too, mostly the part where I didnt think much about the food I ate. 
Food I stopped eating: 
  • All types of suger, if i need anything sweet I use stevia or sukrin 
  • Almost all types of carbs exept for days I am bad at eating
Mostly my food exist of clean meat, not some product stuffed with lots of ingredients and veggies.. Lots of lots of veggies :D I dont really count callories, since I have been doing this for a while. I know kinda how much I need daily without getting too full or too little food. 

My training: 
  • From 11 pm - 01 am, all round training, focus on both cardio and strenght 
    • 10-15 minutes with running on threadmill 
    • 10-15 minutes metabolic circuit training (LINK), every second day
    • 1 hour with weightlifting 
  • Might some days also have a morning exercise that consist of some pushups, situps and squats
I can specify if anyone wondering about some details :)

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