mandag 16. februar 2015

Food: Healthy and easy food

I thought I that I should add a really nice meal, that consists of enough veggies and protein and low in carbs and fat. Its a really easy dish, it's just all about finding food you really like and add them together.

This is how my plate looked when I was done:

This dish is just basic ovengrilled chicken with some of my favorie veggies:

  • Leek 
  • Onion
  • Shrooms 
This dish didnt take more a lot of time to prepare, the biggest time was spent on just waiting for the chicken to be done in the oven. I think I had it in for 20 min on 200*c, but you will notice it on the outside of the chicken when it's done. Worst case take it out and cut the biggest part in half and see if it's still red. 


This is another easy dish which tastes good good :3 
Also a dish where I used the oven. Ovenbaked meet is the one that have the least chance to destroy the meat structure at moleculear level. 
  • Green cabbage
  • Red beans 

This dish is made with salmon as my main ingredient, I picked some natural not spiced salmon filee to prevent them from being over salted. I end up using pepper and seasoning and at some points also a bit of garlic powder for extra taste
  • Carrot 
  • Asparagus beans/green beans 

Another dish with pork, also this time it is made in the oven, but it's not a problem frying it, the only difference is that it won't be as tender as one that is made in  the oven. I used a sauce here, to spice up the meat a bit, thats all up to the person eating. Personally I try to take out the sauce to not get any extra callories. I ended up putting some sesame seeds on the veggies pluss some soysauce-mixture
  • Spring Onion
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Green beans 

Chicken cut up in small pieces mixed with spring onions and lemongrass, with my soysauce-mixture. most of my food is basically made as seperated veggies and meet, or as a wok-ish thing. This one is one of the meals that is made into a wok where I fry the meat first than add the veggies at the end of the frying time. While the veggies gets done I put in the sauce or seasoning. The salad is topped with some cottage cheese for more taste and to make the salad not so boring. 
  • Spring onions
  • Lemongrass
  • Salad 


Its important to eat enough while at work or school, and as a fast and easy meal you can allways go for some kinda salad. There are so many posibilities to mix around your favorie ingredients and use stuff like tuna, chicken, eggs, or ground meat as the main ingredient. I used tuna in mine since its really good.
  • Plain salad
  • Red onion
  • Tomatoes 


Another wok variant. This one is made with chicken, but you can also go for like beef or something similar. But as a student I dont have money to use on beef because it cost too much, thats why I focus on chicken and pork as they are cheaper meat-product than beef. I tend to stick around wtih the same variant of vegetables but there are a lot of vegetables to chose from. The sauce I used here was a terayaki sauce I bought allready mixed up together. 
  • Carrot
  • Onions
  • Leek 

Some days, you just want to make a really good and tasty meal with sauce on. This time I had chicken with bretagne bretagne sauce which after my opinion is one of the best sauces for chicken. I also made a sweetpotato gratin beside a allready big enough meal. But at least it gave me a lot of energy.
  • Broccoli
  • Green beans 
  • Cauliflower
  • Chanterelle
  • Sweet potatoes 


This can be used for some lunch, with ciabatta-bread with a chicken piece and bacon, surronded by some more veggies. 
  • Leek
  • Broccoli
  • carrot 
  • Min onions 

This is my list of different kinda food I have made, if there is any questions feel free to leave a comment :)

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