tirsdag 21. juni 2011


Zombies. What are so great about them? Everyone loves a good zombie movie, especially with lots of blood and stuff. And I can't say that I disagree with these people. Well, in fact I don't really like scary movies but as long as it got zombies in it I think I can handle them,... at least most of them, since after what I experience I haven't found many really scary zombie movies, not that I have actually looked after them though.

But it's not really the movies that I was going to talk about in this post. It's actually more the fact that I thought I could try to look as much as a zombie as possible (You can call it a cosplay if you like)
I'm looking forward to an event in Oslo, that is called, ZOMBIEWALK, meaning everyone dress up as a zombie and ..walk around the main street of Oslo. Sooo yesterday, I randomly took out all I got of make up and started to make "scars" and tried to get more "zombie-color" on my skin and it actually went pretty good, belive it or not.

When I went to school today and showed people my arm (I only did it on my arm, because it was just  a test you know, I can't go around like a zombie on the last day before summer vacation xD)
Anyway, everyone I showed it to was like "omg what have you done?, what have happened to you" xD
I don't know it is any use of taking a picture since it'll be really bad quality and shit but I guess I can try then, but just so you don't go "hell that doesn't look like anything near real" and stuff.

As I said, not really good quality, you can nearly only see the red part. 

-Anyway, I'm leaving for Japan tomorrow, soo if I find internett I will blog about the trip here. Enjoy ;3

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