A few days ago, League of Legends had a big update. First of all I got a little sad that I didn't reach up to Silver before the last season ended.. Not that I played much anyway, but it would have been fun to get the extra stuff and rewards.. I ended up in Bronze 2 though...
Oh well, I think I need to give out my opinion on the new season. As usual, the first game really sucked... Riot had added lots of new items and changed some of my core champions. Mostly because the only champs that got nerfed was the supports... Yeah, I'm one of the supportplayers.
The biggest difference was the GOLD ITEMS:
I won't go into details about each and one of them.. That would be too stupid since you can find them all
The only thing I will do is add the pictures and describe my opinion about them:
These three are levlable aka it got 3 different levels.
My personal favorite are Relic Shield, because with this item it's easier to share the gold in botlane.. Since both will recieve the same amount of gold by last hitting. So the support can now get extra gold.
This is also a chose-able item, where you can only have one that gives out extra gold so if you pick Ancient coin you can neither pick Relic or Spellthief (lux skin :D)
The masteries have also changed, so much to keep track on in the start:
This is how the utility mastery look like, Riot has added some extra gold blocks, like the second to the left 4 spaces down, which gives you +1 gold for each minion you don't hit or something.. So yey lots of more ways to get jewish :3
Oh I nearly forgot the TRINKETS!!
Trinkets, Trinkets my lovely trinkets... It makes my job lot easier.. because..? FREE WARDS!
Everyone on the team can pick either:
1. A free warding item
2. A Reveaking and Disabeling Lensing stuff (kinda like Akali's W, only that instead of hiding the champion, it detects wards :3 <--- Awesome right?
3.A longrange revealing orb, kinda like the Clairvoyance summonor spell ( I have never seen anyone use this though,,,)
If this still sounds like unclear, which it probably does I suggest you to visit >>
THIS<< video, this guy explain it pretty good and shows it visually
Errrhhh, a small picture taken from the youtube movie :)
Ahhh, I think that covers most of the newelish items, hope someone will think of this as some kind of usefull shit but I don't give a shit :C GO AWAY IF YOU HATE IT.... or read it again to torture yourself... Yeaaaah....