søndag 22. desember 2013

Cute: Rabbits

I thought I could post some cute pictures of rabbits today. Why? 
Because isn't this little fellah adorable? 

What makes these creatures "cute"? 
Well look at this one:

It got fluffy fur, and big long fluffy ears and who could resist those eyes? 

Two rabbits in a cup?
Those noses! So adowable!!

I simly cannot end this blogpost without some baby bunnies
so here they come! 
Prepare you're "awwww's" THEY WILL COME!


Sniff sniff

Sweeeeepy face! 

So small! It even fits a hand! 

It's a chicke..wait a minute...rabbit? 

One cup with bunny please. 

"Whoever did this to me is going to suffer".. ehehe

I think this is enough of cuteness for today
NEXT up! kittens! 

lørdag 30. november 2013

Learn: Goats...and trees.

Ah soo you want to know something about goats? What a weirdo you are! But here it goes... This is most likely one of the weirdest thing I have read for a while (only a while though)
Diiiiiid you know that goats live in trees?

Totally legit. I promise. 

Uhm yeah, I found this picture randomly (..and not by actually searching for goats in trees... I promise...maybe...drop it please!)

So yeah this is actually a special type of goat who lives in Morocco. As I read in the article I found about these incredible animals, these goats climb in something called an "Argan tree" to find food? As if this wasn't weird enough... as I keep reading it tells me that these goats poop tree-seeds

QUOTE: "The droppings of the goats contain the kernels of the seeds they consume which are, strangely enough, used by locals to press and grind into oil." errhhhhh? What? 

It doesn't stop here... The droppings is used in some kinds of local food and cosmetic items.. So some people EAT this.
Have fun in Morocco. I think I stay the fuck away. 


Game: League of Legends update!

A few days ago, League of Legends had a big update. First of all I got a little sad that I didn't reach up to Silver before the last season ended.. Not that I played much anyway, but it would have been fun to get the extra stuff and rewards.. I ended up in Bronze 2 though...

Oh well, I think I need to give out my opinion on the new season. As usual, the first game really sucked... Riot had added lots of new items and changed some of my core champions. Mostly because the only champs that got nerfed was the supports... Yeah, I'm one of the supportplayers.

The biggest difference was the GOLD ITEMS:
I won't go into details about each and one of them.. That would be too stupid since you can find them all HERE:

The only thing I will do is add the pictures and describe my opinion about them:

These three are levlable aka it got 3 different levels.
My personal favorite are Relic Shield, because with this item it's easier to share the gold in botlane.. Since both will recieve the same amount of gold by last hitting. So the support can now get extra gold.

This is also a chose-able item, where you can only have one that gives out extra gold so if you pick Ancient coin you can neither pick Relic or Spellthief (lux skin :D)  

The masteries have also changed, so much to keep track on in the start:

This is how the utility mastery look like, Riot has added some extra gold blocks, like the second to the left 4 spaces down, which gives you +1 gold for each minion you don't hit or something.. So yey lots of more ways to get jewish :3


Oh I nearly forgot the TRINKETS!!
Trinkets, Trinkets my lovely trinkets... It makes my job lot easier.. because..? FREE WARDS! 
Everyone on the team can pick either:

1. A free warding item
2. A Reveaking and Disabeling Lensing stuff (kinda like Akali's W, only that instead of hiding the champion, it detects wards :3 <--- Awesome right? 
3.A longrange revealing orb, kinda like the Clairvoyance summonor spell ( I have never seen anyone use this though,,,)

If this still sounds like unclear, which it probably does I suggest you to visit >>THIS<< video, this guy explain it pretty good and shows it visually

Errrhhh, a small picture taken from the youtube movie :) 


Ahhh, I think that covers most of the newelish items, hope someone will think of this as some kind of usefull shit but I don't give a shit :C GO AWAY IF YOU HATE IT.... or read it again to torture yourself... Yeaaaah....

mandag 14. oktober 2013

Game: CookieClicker!

I have found the most entertaining game ever! Or maybe not the most... but at least it's totally addicting!
It's called cookie clicker and is made by a guy who calls himself Orteil. It has been up for a little over a month now I think, and I have played from NEARLY the start

Here the link : http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/

It's as simple as this: You click a big cookie to "bake" more cookies. The point is really just to get as much as possible, while buying upgrades and extra helpers like (grandmas <--- Kidnap every grandma!, factorys, mine, time machines)

The last type of building added to the game is the insane "Antimatter Condenser". It cost a lot but it also produces so many cookies per second that it's totally worth saving up for.
Ofc what's keep the game kinda interesting are the achievements. Today it's possible to get 92 achievements + shadow achievements, that are achievements that are very difficult to achieve.

Another thing that seperates one player from another in how fast he/she gets cookies are the GOLDEN COOKIES! Which appears randomly and early game, are rare. I think at the start, before you buy any upgrades it could go maybe 15 min between each cookie. The problem is that the golden cookie is on your screen for only a couple of seconds so you need to watch over it constantly to not miss them.
So yeaah, atm I got 2352 golden cookies:

This is my stats are I write:

The reason I got THIS much in just 128 hours is because I have reset my game, and got +790& CpS. 
Hope someone finds this as interesting as I do. 

torsdag 4. april 2013

Happening: TG, The gathering Norway 2013


Easter has just ended and I have been spending it with 5000 other persons. Location: "Vikingskipet", Hamar,  Norway.

From Wednesday 27th to Sunday 31th (Mars) a lot of people from all over Norway gather up for the second biggest LAN-party in the whole world. Only Sweden got a bigger arrangement than Norway. This was my very first year here, so I was pretty exited when I drove towards TG. The first thing that hits' you when you arrive is really how big it is. and all the people, each with their fancy computer. Some have been exited about TG since last year and have made shelf's and other cool stuff to bring to with them.

I'll post a overview picture so it's be a little clearer how big and how many people it really are there:

I'll actually post the first picture of me on my whole blog, since my computer is....pink. :D

Chopper maskot <3

Well moving on.. throughout the week there were many competitions, both serious gameing competitions (LoL, Starcraft, HoN, trackmania +++) and some fun games that were held on stage like: eating competitions, paperplane throwing competition, minigames etc etc, you could win lots of cool stuff, one person won a brand new headset that had not even got out in the stores, so that was pretty big..

If you got tired of playing games or so there were some presentations both on the main stage and in conference rooms. Some of the topics: 3D-modelling, Linux, Javascript, cosplay, Anatomy and posing, android, Win8, and so on, lots of programming presentations and stuff like that..

The biggest problem that week had to be sleeping... First: The music is pretty loud all day and all night so you have to be able to sleep through it..  but it's pretty hard to find anywhere to actually sleep. Most people just lay their head on their keyboard and sleep there.. But that's not really comfortable x) I did that the first night and my neck and shoulders were soooo dead.
You could try to get a sleeping place in the tribune but it's not that many places that are allowed to sleep on because of possible emergency exits. And apparently this years sleeping tents didn't have any heating system and to sleep in MINUS 15-20*C is not very nice x)

Overall it was one fantastic Easter, and I recommend everyone that is a huge gamer and likes to meet up with 5000 others for 5 days to join next year. Even though most of it is on norwegian, it's still possible for foreign people to join too : )
Homepage: http://www.gathering.org/tg13/en/ <--- On English :)

tirsdag 26. februar 2013

Song: Mineturtle

I guess lots of you already heard of the asdf-movies on youtube. One of the highly random movies out there :P. One of the random stuff in the movie is the mineturtle. A cute little turtle that only say "hello", and if you are so unlucky to step on it,  or somehow click the button on it's back... it will explode.. like a mine. Obviously x)

Here is the little Mineturtle song: ENJOY^^

And for those interested in watching more of the asdf-movies -->here's<-- a link to the channel.

First episode (1/6):